Euan Williams, If you stop I stop

Euan Williams, If you stop I stop

Euan Williams, If you stop I stop

If you stop I stop - Intervention

The space is an underground bunker in Berlin – devoid of natural light. The artificial lights in the space are slowly dimming at a speed which is on the edge of perception. You enter the bunker by walking down some steep steps and become enveloped in either the brightness or darkness of the space; and as the lights change so do you. Your eyes and body alters with the lights. Too see it you have to remember it – you need to be extra sensitive. Feel your body waking up as the lights slowly fade up; like stretching the muscles in the back of your legs. Notice yourself becoming unnoticeably more cautious as your ability to observe your surroundings diminishes. The lights never go out completely – nothing happens that is so abrupt or dramatic. Just a very subtle intervention – placing a slow rhythm within a bunker in Berlin.

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